Monday 14 November 2011

Egg Prantha

  • Wheat floor for Basic Chapatti / Parantha Dough
  • Eggs (1 for every 2 Parantha)
  • Tomatoes - finely chopped (to taste)
  • Onions – Finely chopped (to taste)
  • Coriander (Dhania) Leaves
  • Green Chilies – Finely chopped (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste)                                               

Any or All of the following Ingredients (depends upon the personal taste)
  • Red Chili Powder (to taste)
  • Coriander Powder (to taste)
  • Cumin Powder (to taste)

  • Beat Eggs and mix all of the above ingredients (except dough) together with the beaten eggs. Keep aside.
  • Roll out a golf ball size portion of dough into a 4-5 inch disc. Dip into dry flour to prevent it from sticking to the surface.
  • Coat a thin layer of oil on the disc and sprinkle dry flour onto it.
  • Fold the disc into a semi-circle, coat another thin layer of oil and sprinkle dry flour on it.
  • Fold the semi-circle into a triangle, dip it into dry flour and roll it out into a larger triangle.
  • Place triangle onto a hot plate(tava) and flip it once bubbles appear.
  • Wait another 20-30 seconds until it starts to puff up. With a butter knife, gently open up the top layer of the triangle to form a pocket. (Be careful of the hot steam coming out from the prantha)
  • Pour in approx. 1/2 egg worth of mixture into the pocket and close it.
  • Allow it to cook on low flame for 20-30 seconds and gently flip it without letting the entire egg mixture spill out. A little will ooze out but that’s all right.
  • Cook once again, pressing slightly until all of the raw egg is cooked inside.
Serve hot, with Ketchup or chutney.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

French Toast

  • One bread (sliced) 
  • One cup of water
  • Three eggs 
  • One fourth (1/4) cup of condensed milk
  • Pinch of nutmeg powder(optional)
  • Sliced cheese 
  • One teaspoon butter (you can use any refined oil or margarine if you are fat conscious)
  • Salt (according to taste)
  • A pinch of Black Pepper (you can use red pepper if you want it to be spicy)

  • Beat eggs in a pan
  • Add water, condensed milk, salt, nutmeg and black pepper and then beat it gently
  • Sandwich cheese between 2 slices of bread
  • Dip the sandwich in the egg-milk mixture.
  • Melt the butter in a pan and warm until it changes its colour to little golden
  • Put the sandwich in the pan; cook both sides until light golden
  • Serve it hot after cutting it diagonally

Belgium Omelet (Tomato-Cheese Omelet)

  • Two eggs beaten
  • One chopped tomato
  • One fourth (1/4) cup grated Cheddar cheese (easily available in shopping malls, otherwise you can use usual cheese available)
  • Chopped Coriander leaves
  • Chopped green onion
  • One teaspoon butter (you can use any refined oil or margarine if you are fat conscious)
  • Salt (according to taste)
  • A pinch of Black Pepper (you can use red pepper if you want it to be spicy)

  • Melt the butter in a pan and warm
  • Pour the chopped tomato and onion, cook for 1 or 2 minutes
  • Add beaten eggs and cook for 2 minutes
  • Add grated Cheddar and softly mix all ingredients
  • Add Salt and pepper to taste
  • When the first face of your omelet is cooked, remove it carefully so that it doesn't break and turn it so that you can cook the other side.
When omelet is cooked (some like it golden yellow others like it light brown all depends upon your taste), Serve it with potato fries, toasted bread slices or just with green chutney it tastes wonderful

Spanish Potato Omelet (Tortilla de Patatas)

  • Two sliced potatoes (medium size)
  • One chopped onion 
  • Four beaten eggs
  • Salt (according to taste)
  • A pinch of Black Pepper (you can use red pepper if you want it to be spicy)
  • Three to four table spoon Butter (you can use any refined oil or margarine if you are fat conscious)

  • Melt the butter in a pan and warm until it changes its colour to little golden
  • Pour sliced potatoes and onion in pan cover the pan and cook until potatoes are soft inside and crusty outside.
  • When potatoes are cooked, remove potatoes and onion in a salad bowl.
  • Pour beaten eggs, salt, pepper and mix gently (make sure you don't crush potatoes) Warm 1 teaspoon butter in the pan and pour the mixture
  • When the first face of your omelet is cooked, remove it and turn it so that you can cook the other side.
  •  When both sides turned to yellow golden, serve it with a salad or bread

Fried Egg

  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon butter (you can use any refined oil or margarine if you are fat conscious)
  • Salt (according to taste)
  • A pinch of Black Pepper

  • Melt the butter in a pan and warm until it changes its colour to little golden
  • Break the egg and overturn into the warm butter
  • Add salt and pepper
  • When the white of eggs is cooked, remove from the fire carefully so that the tempting yellow disc on the egg white is not broken
  • Serve with toasted bread slices
  • If you like, you can fry garlic before pouring the eggs in the pan; this will give them a unique Mediterranean taste
  • You can serve it with hot fried potatoes or with some pickled vegetables