Monday 14 November 2011

Egg Prantha

  • Wheat floor for Basic Chapatti / Parantha Dough
  • Eggs (1 for every 2 Parantha)
  • Tomatoes - finely chopped (to taste)
  • Onions – Finely chopped (to taste)
  • Coriander (Dhania) Leaves
  • Green Chilies – Finely chopped (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste)                                               

Any or All of the following Ingredients (depends upon the personal taste)
  • Red Chili Powder (to taste)
  • Coriander Powder (to taste)
  • Cumin Powder (to taste)

  • Beat Eggs and mix all of the above ingredients (except dough) together with the beaten eggs. Keep aside.
  • Roll out a golf ball size portion of dough into a 4-5 inch disc. Dip into dry flour to prevent it from sticking to the surface.
  • Coat a thin layer of oil on the disc and sprinkle dry flour onto it.
  • Fold the disc into a semi-circle, coat another thin layer of oil and sprinkle dry flour on it.
  • Fold the semi-circle into a triangle, dip it into dry flour and roll it out into a larger triangle.
  • Place triangle onto a hot plate(tava) and flip it once bubbles appear.
  • Wait another 20-30 seconds until it starts to puff up. With a butter knife, gently open up the top layer of the triangle to form a pocket. (Be careful of the hot steam coming out from the prantha)
  • Pour in approx. 1/2 egg worth of mixture into the pocket and close it.
  • Allow it to cook on low flame for 20-30 seconds and gently flip it without letting the entire egg mixture spill out. A little will ooze out but that’s all right.
  • Cook once again, pressing slightly until all of the raw egg is cooked inside.
Serve hot, with Ketchup or chutney.

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